Rebooting with Animals ~ The Journey 9/9/2017
September’s full moon is known as the Full Corn Moon and also as the Harvest Moon. Above are some of the pictures I took. This moon is named as it’s time for the Harvest season to begin and originally the moon was bright enough they could work all night by the light of the moon. For us a harvest doesn’t have to be a crop it can be starting to see the results of anything we have been working on. It can also be a good time to begin working on the things we need within ourselves. We all need to work on different things, a few of mine to work on are being still, health, living in the moment, finding joy in everything… It may seem strange to start these things at a harvest time, but most of them are a form of recouping or things that I came up short on in my own self resources over the last year working on other projects.